When you apply for a personal loan at a bank, you may have to wait several days to find out whether or not you've been approved. But when you apply through T.A. & T. Finance Corp., you can expect the loan process to be quick and convenient.
Applying for a personal loan doesn't have to be a hassle. Contact our loan advisors in Tyler, Longview or Atlanta, TX now to find out more about our hassle-free personal loans.
Here's how our loan process works:
1. You'll start by applying online or in person at one of our offices
2. We'll evaluate your income and expenses quickly and let you know whether or not you've been approved
3. If you're approved, you'll come into one of our offices to sign your loan agreement
4. We'll give you your loan amount in cash
5. You'll make monthly payments via cash, check, money order or a debit card
Ready to get started? Fill out our online application form today. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our loan advisors.